The Essence of Elppin  

Elppin is breast-inspired jewelry, but it is clearly much more than just decoration. It startles people out of every day complacency by creating a reason to explore that which is overtly censored, concealed, and repressed – our nipples.

To discuss our bodies, we must situate them within the world we live; we must start examining the effect this world has on our relationship with our bodies, ourselves, and each other.

We all agree that we live in a patriarchal world. It’s touched most of us in some way, shape or form. We are familiar with the statistics that prove gender inequality. Everyday, everywhere, women are subjected to violence – at home, in their communities, at the workplace, institutionally, systemically, even through governmental legislation. The fight against patriarchal oppression is a real one.

The good news is that wherever patriarchal power asserts itself, there is resistance.

They censor our nipples, so we use shiny, reflective jewelry to challenge not only censorship, but the entire power structure that produces and sustains a culture of women’s oppression.

While discourse transmits, produces and reinforces patriarchal power, it can also undermine and expose it – rendering it fragile, making it possible to thwart.

Elppin, in its provocative and challenging essence, its conversational potentiality, and its action-producing capacity, always overtly overthrows the patriarchy.

One cannot wear Elppin and not take a stand.

Elppin is a symbol that identifies and unites all those who engage in the battle against patriarchy. Beyond that, it’s the physical manifestation of the fight against injustice towards women.

Part of the beauty of Elppin, is that you can choose to what degree, and in what fashion, you want to engage in the cause. It’s not solely about tearing down the system – as necessary as that might be – it’s about creating a community, a space and a conversation that we feel empowered in. Fertile ground for human growth, expression and freedom.

Elppin is something different to everyone. What will you make it?