archaeologist and burlesque dancer from
Chicago but based in Washington D,C. I’m 24.
I’m a funny person to ask this because I am literally always naked. I find comfort and feel most at home in my body. I’ve always been that one naked friend that was well, always naked. Conversations on normalizing nudity, desexualizing the body; the whole nine yards, that’s me.
I love my titties. I suppose the more “sophisticated” way to refer to them are my breasts or the girls but I have always affectionately known them as my titties— so that's what I’ll call them here. We forget to empathize with the fact that titties are a part of a woman’s every day existence. For me, the best part of this existence is the ability to negotiate how we choose to inscribe meaning to our breasts at any given moment. Titties can induce the erotic, be entirely casual, encourage body positivity, welcome vulnerability, nurture life, the list goes on. Can you say multidimensional? We can learn so much about ourselves from embracing breasts. I decided this long ago and have been loving on my titties ever since.
I want to see more naked bodies freely existing in this world. I’m passionate about normalizing explorations of the (fem)body, sexuality, and intimacy. Elppin does this work, and they do a damn good job of making it fashion.
I’m interested in seeing some nipple rings and nipple knuckle rings added to the collection. That could be fun.
Also, more public interface — be they pop up shops, art shows, etc. Also a fashion show. Your creative vision is spectacular and I’m interested in seeing this work come to life. Omg possibly inside the blow up breast installation?!!
I wear Elppin because it allows me to share an intimate part of myself with others. Because it reminds people that nipples should be celebrated; that they are golden.
breast basket, right there, with her towels.